Bishwajit Ghose


  • Advancing Healthcare for COVID-19 in Ontario: strengthening provider’s capacity for best practices in visible minority service provision. (CAPP study)
  • Rapid Assessment of the Impact of COVID-19 on Access to Sexually Transmitted and Blood-borne Infection Related Services in African, Caribbean and Black Communities in Canada (APCI study)
  • Heterosexual Black Men Preventing HIV and Promoting Health (weSpeak)


  • Maternal and child health in low-middle-income countries.
  • Biopsychosocial determinants of physical and quality of life among elderly populations. 


Health Shenzhen 2030, Health and Family Planning Commission of Shenzhen city.


 Research of risk-control mechanism of high-risk medication in hospital, China, National Natural Science Foundation of China. 


Research of Risk-control Mechanism after Malaria Elimination, National Health and Family Planning. 


  • Regional Health Planning of Haikou City, Haikou Health Bureau, Hainan. 
  • Economic Evaluation of Malaria Elimination Program, National Health & Family Planning.