Bishwajit Ghose


  • Data analytics
  • Business Intelligence
  • Scientific reporting

What can I help you with…

Data analysis

Training on data collection, wrangling, analysis, and visualisation.

Graphic Design

Project Logo, Flyer, Brochure, Annual Reports, business card,

Web development

Custom websites for projects, data collection, telemedicine. 


tableau logo
  • Cleaning and wrangling of messy data with sophisticatted tools such as stringi, tidyverse.
  • Data visualisation using rich libraries: ggplot2, highcharter.
  • Web-scraping, co-occurrences and collocation analysis.
  • Advanced manipulation of large and complex datasets, conversion into different statistical file formats.
  • Epidemiological analysis, microeconomic and time-series models.
  • Creating codebooks and do files for reproducible research.
  • Exploratory data analysis with pandas and numpy.
  • High quality charts with plotly, seaborn and matplotlib.
  • Web-scpaing and text data processing with beautiful soup.
  • Topic modelling (Latent Dirichlet allocation) with gensim,.
  • Basic manipulation e.g. unioning, reshaping and subsetting datasets.
  • Visualisation of complex relational data.
  • Creating dashboards, data stories, and presentations.
  • Running R scripts within Tableau using the Rserve package.

And more…

Research design

  • Identifying potential topics, study setting and participants. 
  • Assessing ethical standards, questionnaire building & deploying online surveys.
  •  Data management: cleaning, codebook preparation,  analysis, visualisation. 

KTE tools

  • Developing policy briefs, formatting manuscripts inline with respective the EQUATOR guidelines, 
  • Preparing infographics, dashboards, flyers.
  • Education videos tools for community members/patients. 

Graphic designing

  • Using graphic tools and illustrations to communicate powerful messages for effortless and effective assimilation to the target population.
  • Smart designing to pave the way for better patient experience. 
get in touch

Got an idea for a project? 

Need to build a website?

Just leave a text and i will be in touch shortly.

Office address

RGN, Room 3027, 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, ON K1H 8M5

Training Hours

Tue-Fri: 6pm-8pm
Sat-Sun: 12pm-2pm

Created with Fabric.js 1.7.22

+1 613 562 5800, Ext 8440