Bishwajit Ghose

Computational lingistics and NLP

If seen that way, there is nothing as complex and intriguing as language. No one can pinpoint its origin, or predict what would happen to humanity if apples are called figs and figs as horsewhisperers. And yet there is so much bragging about the universality of its making. I used to get disciplined in school for being a misuser of ‘be’ verbs, a much regretted indoctrination! About a decade went by, there is no such thing as be verb in the present form in Russian, and in Mandarin that thing is almost non-existent.  A sweet revelation! Another decade, removing be verbs from a corpus is now one the most basic things to learn in a Big Data program.  A well-deserved emancipation! The slowly passing years have been a great learning exprience about the instability of meaning and uncertainty of grammatical forms This feeling is like nothing else!

Computational linguistics is an interdisciplinary field concerned with the application of computational techniques to linguistic analysis. 

NLP has been used in healthcare for a long time now and it has been able to improve patient outcomes by reducing misdiagnosis rates, improving patient safety, and helping physicians make better decisions.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the process of analyzing and understanding human language, as well as producing it. This technology has been around for a while now with the first patent being filed in 1966. Today NLP can be used in healthcare to extract information from natural language text which can then be used by physicians to make clinical decisions

This is an ever-growing field that could soon enable computers to speak fluently in their own voice. Computational linguists research how computers can process language as naturally as a human which also means recognizing accents and dialects and having a robust understanding of sentence structure.