Linux was my stepping stone into the world of big data. I still remember the very first class that made the instructor take about 3 hours to help us INSTALL Hadoop. The program itself was beast difficult, but the result was sweet. It took me weeks to figure how to install all those applications that accompany Hadoop in performing its magics. I have later switched to Spark for various reasons, but still visit the Ubuntu environment from time to time to experience its ultra sleek interface with lightning fast performance. Here are some basic commands that new users will find handy to get started with:
some fun commands I liked to run before going to the main course:
$ whoami
$ finger
Running a command with superuser control
$ sudo -c “mkdir /etc/test”
Making a text file using the cat comand:
Printing current directory:
$ pwd
Getting the list the items in the current directory
$ ls
Change current directory
$ cd ‘newdir’
Remove a file:
rm ‘file-to-remove’
Remove an empty folder/directory using the recursive specification:
$ rm -r ‘directory-to-remove/’
Remove a directory plus its contents:
$ rm -rf ‘directory-to-remove/’
Relocate a file
$ mv ‘file.txt’ ‘target-folder/’
Make a new directory
$ mkdir ‘newdirectory’
Make a child directory under a specific parent directory
$mkdir /olddir/newdir
Force exit a program: Enter ‘top’ in terminal to get the process id of the program, then type
$kill ‘process id’
Or by the name of the program using the pkill command:
$ pkill firefox
To print the last 25 commands:
$ history 25
Checking installation path of an app
$ which ‘whatever application’
which mongo
Downloading something from web
$ wget ‘…’
Making a text file using the cat command:
Installing an app:
$sudo apt update
$sudo snap install zoom-client
To launch
download something from web
$ wget ‘weblink’
Here is the link to get R studio
$ wget
$ shutdown -h now
Shutdown in 95 minutes
$ shutdown -h 95
Or at 10:48 pm
$ shutdown -h 20:48
Setting file/folder permissions ( Linux’s way of saying you’r welcome!)
Making several commands at the same time using the ‘;’ ‘&&’ and ‘||’ operators:
Available flags:
400 r Readable by owner only
500 r-X Avoid Changing
600 rW Changeable by user
644 rw-r–r Read and change by user
660 rw-rW Changeable by user and group
700 WX Only user has full access
755 rwxr-xr-X Only changeable by user
775 rwxrwxr-X Sharing mode for a group a
777 rwxrwxrwx Everybody can do everything
e.g. making a file readable, writeable and executable by everyone.
chmod 777 ‘filepath’
making all files in dir readable, writeable and executable by everyone.
chmod -R 777 ‘filepath’
chmod -R 777 ./
Installing MongoDB